The Ear Nose and Throat Clinic is a private clinic and therefore every consultation has a professional fee.


Outpatient fees:


New Consultation (30 min)           £240


Follow-Up Consultation (20 min)   £165


Additional procedures such as ear wax removal, nasal cautery and endoscopic evaluation of the sinuses or throat during the consultation are sometimes required. These will attract a separate fee. Please contact Jane Bouston, Practice Manager on the form below for a full list of these extra costs. The private hospital may also have an additional charge for these procedures.

Payments can be made via credit/debit card, cheque or cash. Mr. Warner works closely with local GPs and therefore a referral letter is preferable but not essential. He will write to your GP after the consultation unless you have an objection.


Surgical Fees for Insured Patients

A full list of costings for surgical procedures can be obtained from Jane Bouston, Practice Manager to ensure you are fully informed of fees prior to any procedure. Mr. Warner has a standard set of prices for the operations he performs but the level of cover provided by your insurance policies may vary. This means there may be a shortfall, which becomes your responsibility and you will be invoiced directly after the procedure if necessary. If you are in any doubt about your level of cover, you should consult your insurance company, obtain a claim form and bring this to your initial consultation. For BUPA insured patients, please see the FIPO information leaflet below.


Surgical Fees for Uninsured Patients

Some treatments such as cosmetic surgery or snoring surgery are not covered by private health insurance. 
Patients may obtain a fixed-price package, which includes surgical, anaesthetic, hospital, and follow up fees by contacting Jane Bouston, Practice Manager at The Ear Nose and Throat Clinic on the form below.


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FIPO Patient Information Leaflet.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [72.9 KB]


Tel: 01432 508 435


Hereford Mon Evening or Thursdays

Worcester Fridays

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